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Evidence-Based Policies and Practice for Transgender-Inclusion in K-12 Schools (Ocotillo)

Students require access to educational environments where they can learn and thrive. However, transgender and gender diverse youth often attend schools where they face both intended and unintended forms of exclusion, harassment, and discrimination. Working together, school community members can create transgender-inclusive elementary, middle, and high schools. Workshop participants will explore how to do so, focusing on evidence-based policies and practices.

Madelaine Adelman, Ph.D., Professor
Arizona State University

Madelaine Adelman (she/her) is a professor in the School of Social Transformation at ASU. She is a founder and board member of GLSEN Arizona (2002- ) and a former member of GLSEN’s Board of Directors (2010-2023). Publications include journal articles and book chapters on transgender-inclusive school policies and practices (e.g., Trans Studies in K-12 Education, Harvard Education Press, 2022).

Tami Stass

Tami Staas, Executive Director
Arizona Trans Youth and Parent Organization (AZTYPO)

Tami Staas (she/her) teaches at Summit Academy (Mesa Public Schools). She is Executive Director of Arizona Trans Youth and Parent Organization (AZTYPO), advocating for transgender and gender diverse youth and their families. She chaired the LGBTQ+ subcommittee of the Equity and Inclusive Practices Advisory Council (Arizona State Board of Education). She is on the Learn to Lead team (Arizona Education Association).

November 9

Leveraging Students Cultural Strength (Brittlebush)

November 9

Using the Penny Pledge to Shatter the Stigma and Prevent Suicide (Golden Poppy)